
Archive for September, 2009

I have a confession to make.  I have never read Pride and Prejudice.  I have the book sitting on my bookshelf but I have never read it.  Still, I have seen the movie.  Especially the two disk BBC version starring Colin Firth.  My mother is in love with that particular version of the beautiful love story between Elizabeth Bennett and the charming yet infuriating Mr. Darcy.  And from that story (and countless other cheesy romances) I have come very much like Jane to live the life of a hopeless romantic.  Yes, when it comes to love, I daydream about fairytale like happy endings where the two lovebird overcome amazing obstacles to be together.  Where, despite the odds, he falls head over heels for her and finds a way to make her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world every day of her life.  Crazy, right?

Well, Jane Hayes is exactly the same.  She measures all her boyfriends in terms of Mr. Darcy.  And she wants to find love.  Almost to a point of desperation.  In fact, she keeps a headcount on boyfriends (13 at the point in her life where the book starts).  Still, I somewhat shamefully can relate to Jane.  Before I met Brian, I was just like her.  And if Brian and I break up, will go back to being just like her.  In fact, even with Brian I am just like Jane.  I hunger for romance: cheesy lines, endless devotions, fiery passion … but then, don’t most women?  Anyway, Jane’s Great Aunt Caroline bequeaths her to every romance hungry woman’s dream: a trip to a resort in Regency-era England where Jane finally has a chance to have all her dreams of Mr. Darcy come true.  Still, things in any romance novel aren’t simple and Jane finds herself wondering what is real and what is not in this actor-heavy world.  How is she to decipher what is part of the game vs. what isn’t?

From the first page of this book, I was pretty much addicted.  After all, I finished it in two sittings.  Yes, I blew off homework and all my other responsibilities and sat with book in hand devouring page after page.  I loved Jane.  I could easily relate to Jane and the way she saw the world, the way she saw love.  After all, I’ve been in her position.  Haven’t we all?  Even though guys mess up and break your heart, there is a part that continues to hope that the next one will be Mr. Right, that the next one will affirm all your hopes and dreams and really love you.

“A couple of years ago, she’d toyed with having a therapist, and though in the end she’d decided she just wasn’t a therapy kind of a gal, she did come out if it understanding one thing about herself: At a very young age, she had learned how to love from Austen. And according to her immature understanding at the time, in Austen’s world there was no such thing as a fling.  Every romance was intended to lead to marriage, every flirtation just a means to find that partner to cling to forever.  So for Jane, when each romance ended with hope still attached, it felt as brutal as divorce.  Intense much, Jane?  Oh yes.  But what can you do?” (18)

While I’m sure this book is not for everyone, I recommend it to anyone who can relate to anything I’ve written here.  The book is humorous and slightly outrageous at times, but the story, at least in my eyes, is a worthwhile one.  It gives you a chance to escape everyday life and take a journey into the past.  While the etiquette and customs aren’t quite as good as the movies, they do a great job taking you away, if only for a few hours.  The book is more than just a romance novel praising the men of Austen’s age.  In a lot of ways, Jane’s character grows and fights with her desire to dream and her desire to be more pragmatic.  And at the end of the book, it makes you wonder whether or not one should ever let their dreams go.  I know I love the idea of hanging on to all my dreams until I make them a reality.

Overall Rating: B

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The Sunday Salon.com

Happy Sunday everyone!  I am hoping that today will be a productive day for me as yesterday was not.  I got halfway through Austenland after watching Bridget Jones Diary.  I think watching a movie with Colin Firth really got me in the mood for this book because once I started reading it, I found it really difficult to put down.  I basically fell asleep with the book in hand.  I should finish it sometime this morning so expect a review either today or tomorrow.

While attempting to catch up with my google reader, I came across something that really got me thinking: in her BBAW post about goals, Sophisticated Dorkiness mentioned guest posting somewhere.  Now, I’m not really interested in doing too much guest posting myself because I hardly make the time to post on my own blog every day, but I think it would be great to have some guest posts on my blog to make up for the fact that my ability to read and review has slowed down tremendously since school started.  If you are interested, please shoot me an e-mail (JLesnick@scu.edu) or leave a comment below.

Short Sunday Salon today as I have much to do!  How’s your Sunday going?

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Morning meanderings is a daily meme brought to you by Sheila at One Person’s Journey Through a World of Books.  It’s a forum for me to discuss books and other things while I sip my daily allotment of caffeine.

Today’s Morning Meandering I find myself with a venti iced chai instead of the usual nonfat vanilla latte.  It is just way too hot and I opted for something milder to get my Saturday morning started.  This lovely Saturday morning I am on duty meaning in cases of emergency – I get a call.  So far, it has been a very relaxing, uneventful morning.  I woke up and the boyfriend went out to get breakfast – bagels and Starbucks.  Then we sat down and caught up on some TV.  Namely, House.  Anyone else addicted to that show?  If you don’t already tune in, I suggest you start because this season is bound to be AMAZING!

In other news, I cannot stop adding blogs to my google reader.  Everyday as I attempt to catch up with all the blogs that I already follow, I inevitably come across new ones.  It’s a bit daunting, I won’t lie, but it is also exciting.  I’m excited at the prospect of expanding my role in the blogging community as I meet new people and find news ways to connect through books.  In the upcoming weeks, I hope I’ll be able to do a feature on some of the blogs that I’ve just discovered.  I want to spend a little more time with them before then though so stay tuned!

I’m hoping to do some heavy reading today, but they boyfriend also wants to possibly go out tonight when I’m off duty.  We’ll see who prevails.  Right now I’m rooting for books just because I haven’t had an opportunity in quite a while to really sit down with a book and read!

Happy Saturday everyone.  Thanks for tuning in.

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Good morning everyone.  Although to some, it might be afternoon alIMG_0062ready.  This is going to be a new feature that I hope to incorporate into my blog.  As you all know, it’s very difficult for me to keep up with reading and reviewing during the school year so there might be days where I throw one of these out to discuss bookish things that have either come up in my life or that I have noticed on other people’s blogs.  This feature is in large part provided by One Person’s Journey Through a World of Books.  She pioneered the idea and I just fell in love with it.

This morning, my nonfat vanilla latte and I are tired.  I stayed up way too late last night!  After work (I get off of work at 2AM) I felt restless and decided to settle down with an episode of the new show NCIS: Los Angelese.  I’m a big fan of the original NCIS and decided to give this show a shot.  Loved it!

As far as books go, I’m falling way far behind.  I’ve barely scratched the surface of Bitch: In Praise of Difficult Wome and I have two Library books eagerly awaiting my attention: Lost in Austen by Shannon Hale and Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin.  Both are fulfilling pieces of challenges that I hope to finish sometime in the future!  I also have a copy of Dan Brown’s latest book The Lost Symbol.  It will be my first Dan Brown read and I’m excited because I’ve heard that it’s in part about the Masons and I love mason speculative history.  I guess my American History teacher instilled a lasting love for all things American history, even made up stuff.  Needless to say, I will hopefully be in bed reading for most of the weekend.  And not just for fun.  My Shakespeare class has a ton of reading.  Not only do I have to have to read Much Ado About Nothing in its entirety by Tuesday but I also have 100 or so pages of background reading also due.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s interesting stuff, but it’s just a lot!  On top of that I have some political science cases to read for my comparative politics class, some theory stuff for my minority politics class, and some poetry for my romantic lit class.  Wow, the year is starting off so quickly!  I guess I forget how fast quarters go by.

Still, I am in love with all my classes.  They are going to be tough, but I know I’m going to learn a lot.  I hate to admit it but I’m extremely ignorant when it comes to other countries and their political systems so I’m hoping to learn a lot from comparative politics.  And I’m super excited to take my first college Shakespeare class.  After all, he was arguably the most influential English writer ever.  He changed English language so much and his plays are fun to read.  Romantic literature isn’t super exciting for me because this isn’t my first dabble into it, but I’m sure that I’ll learn a lot from the class.  My teacher is this adorable old Jesuit priest and he has some amazing insights.  And minority politics?  Hello, discussion about this kind of stuff is why I declared a political science minor!  So classes will be awesome and you will undoubtedly hear more about them in my morning meanderings as I take some time to sit down with my latte and discuss my morning thoughts, whatever they might be!

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Sunday Salon 9/20

The Sunday Salon.com

Happy Sunday again everyone.  Sorry I have been extremely MIA this last week.  My excuse this week?  Preparation for move in, which was this weekend.  Yes, my residents are finally here!  Preparing for their arrival has been BRUTAL.  I have gotten very little sleep as I checked their rooms, did heaps of paperwork, prepared bulletin boards, and began planning programs.  Due to all the work I’ve had to do, I was not able to read much.  I’m still working on catching up with all of you – my google reader is full beyond belief, but I’m trying to remain patient as I pace myself through the remnants of BBAW.

I wish I could have participated more in the wonderful week of celebration.  I was hesitant to add too many new blogs to my reader because I am so busy already.  Still, I gave into temptation on numerous occasions.  There are just way too many amazing people out there!

Classes start tomorrow.  I’m not ready at all.  I’ve been putting all my energy into being a CF and preparing the halls for people.  Being a CF is definitely a full time job and once school starts I’m not sure how much time I’ll have for anything else, but things are bound to slow down a bit once everyone is busy with school.  I’m very excited to finally be back in classes.  I’m finally focusing on my major (English) and minor (Political Science) so my classes are bound to be full of really interesting reading and discussions.  I don’t want to bore anyone, but I will probably be posting on some of the things I read in class – maybe it might open some people up to new reading topics?

Well, this has been a busy weekend and I’m looking forward to tonight when I’ll finally get some free time to read and blog – look for me to catch up on some of your older posts.  Sorry it’s taken me so long, I really do appreciate all your opinions and love that you take the time to read and tell all of us about it!

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